Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Hello, confusion, frustration, and a whole bunch of other emotions I don't want to deal with....

It all started at 1:30 this morning with a phone call from my father.
Let me make two things very clear:
1) I never get phone calls at 1:30 in the morning.
2) My father usually goes to bed at 10, 11 if he's feeling rebellious and night-owly.
I remember very little of the actual conversation, being half-asleep at the time, but I do remember that he was speaking matter-of-factly about life-changing matters. My grandfather is currently in the hospital, and that's really tearing my dad apart, because he's been hurled against the brick wall known as reality. He's finally had to face the fact that his parents aren't immortal, and that's been really hard for him to accept. But he told me this morning that God had told him Grandpa might die, but that was ok. That in itself is good. The weird thing was that my dad doesn't really believe that God speaks to today's generation except through the Bible. But he was talking like he and God had just sat down over a cup of hot chocolate and gotten everything all worked out. Then he asked me to pray for a friend of his, who was going through some really rough times. And then my father wrapped up the conversation thus: "I think it's time to really start living for Christ. Will you do that with me?" Ok, my father doesn't really do the "radical faith" thing, but something's changed. I called my brother, who'd gotten a similar call not long before, and we tried to figure out what was going on, to no avail. God bless my boyfriend, who took a 2 AM phone call to hear a very confused girl tell him absolutely nothing except that her father needed prayer and might be off his rocker. In any case, I'd appreciate loads of prayer on that front. It's super-confusing. My mom, who could dissect the psychology of a rock, can't even figure this out.

Ok, now on to the rest of the day.... It took me 20 minutes to print off one piece of paper in the library this morning. Woohoo for wicked-fast technology. This left me about 5 minutes for breakfast before my 8:00 class, so I was stressed from that. Fortunately, the prof let us out early, and I had time for an hour nap before chapel, which was good. I woke up refreshed, but still totally weirded out about my dad. Things went relatively smoothly until I tried to take another nap around 3, being totally exhausted from my doings since my earlier nap. But the world woke up and decided to conduct a rather noisy symphony...or cacophony, rather. I gave up the nap in a bit of frustration and went to take a shower, which served to soothe me.
I got a new phone about a month ago, and the representative told me I might be able to get unlimited texting for $4.95/month, which I'm totally on board with. But I've called him about 4 times since then about it, and every time he hasn't checked. So I called him today, determined to get an answer. He had me call the phone company itself, and I jumped through a whole bunch of loops to find out that the request for texting had been denied. *sigh*
I recently interviewed Dr. Gary Chapman (the Love Languages guy--big deal!!!!) by email. However, I completely misunderstood the assignment and thought that his agent was the editor I was doing the article for, and she also happened to be the go-between. Leave me alone; it was Liz Johnson (the agent) vs. Lin Johnson (the editor). No joke. So I emailed the editor (now that I've got all the right answers for an article that would focus on Dr. Chapman's new book, which would be par for that particular magazine) asking what she wanted for the article, and she tells me she wants an article about Dr. Chapman himself. Both Dr. Chapman and his agent are currently on vacation now. Go figure.
My neighbor just came in, saw me glaring at my computer screen, and kissed my cheek (no, that's not weird; it's just a college-girl thing) by way of asking me what was wrong. And then she and her roommate listened and sympathized while I ranted to them. Then they made me laugh, told me they loved me, and left.

You know, looking back on this post, I was writing it to vent, but God has used it for His glory. Everytime something happened to frustrate me, He provided something to calm. Great is His faithfulness! I'm still stressed (it is the end of a college semester, after all), but I know He'll pull me through. I may resemble Laffy Taffy when He's done, but I'll make it, and be better for it, I'm sure.

Your love, O Lord, reaches to the heavens.
Your faithfulness stretches to the sky.

What a God....