Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Blips of Joy

Ok, so I was sitting and working on homework, and I experienced something I have not felt for a long time--The Urge. I had to write. I knew what I had to write. It was beautiful. Of course, I probably won't be able to write like that again for a few months, but who cares? I did it! Oh, quick disclaimer: the following material has no bearing on my life and does not resemble any thought processes or decision making in my own mind whatsoever. Anyway, here's what came out when I set my fingers to the keyboard.

She preferred the bittersweet ending to the definitively happy, so she walked away. She felt she would rather wonder what would have happened had she stayed than to stay and risk not having a happy ending. She watched his tears with love and longing to dry them, but she stopped herself, stroked his cheek, and walked. She knew there would be sleepless nights, when she would wake suddenly, feeling the emptiness, the darkness, the utter lack of him. She would turn over and feel the chasm of her heart beside her. She knew there would be tears. She would cry and cry, and in the end, she would do it all again. She would rather lose him now, when he still loved her, than lose his love in the lengths of angry words and thoughtless happenings that had begun the ends of other relationships. And so she walked, knowing she would never love anyone else, knowing she was dooming herself to a life alone, and wishing him all the best.

Yeah, I know it's depressing. Sorry. That's what hit me at the time and it just had to come out. Writers know how it is.
Anyway, I hope you're all well, and I love you all!
God bless!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my, shivers and chills. That was some beautiful writing. I'm so glad you got The Urge to write again, and I'm even more glad this is not how you really feel. :)

    I love you, dear!
